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Becoming a sponsor of SEMICA TCHAD 2025 offers you a unique opportunity to raise your profile, promote your expertise and strengthen your position in the mining, energy and oil markets.
Catégories / Coûts
Official Sponsor
- Mention of "OFFICIAL SPONSOR" on communication media before, during and after the show (TV, Radio, Billboards, Press, Internet)
- Fifteen (15) registrations for the event, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals.
- Five (05) exhibitor badges, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- Production and broadcasting of one (01) thirteen (13) minute TV advertorial and written press (one page on the second cover with a call to action on the front page), in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, once (01) during the SEMICA TCHAD period.
- A five (05)-minute video to be shown at the event's closing ceremony
- Students dressed in the effigy of the official sponsor
- Two (02) tables of ten (10) people each at the closing gala dinner.
- Mention of sponsorship in the final document
- Logo on all the show's visibility media (visitor map, programme, special Official Sponsor wall, press kit, signage, etc.)
- Hostess clothing bearing the official sponsor's logo Student clothing bearing the official sponsor's logo
- Logo on visitor and exhibitor badges
- Logo on a quantity of badge cords
- 2 newsletters sent to present your organisation and announce your participation in the show as an official sponsor
- Your logo on the event's BIG SIZE branding
- Premium visibility and airtime on SAMAO TV: broadcast of 8 spots of 30 seconds each during the show, 2 airtime slots on SEMICA TCHAD's TV set.
- Right 15 registrations to SEMICA TCHAD
- 25% discount on the purchase of additional m2 to expand your stand
- 05 exhibitor badges giving access to all areas of the show
- 100 visitor badges giving access to all areas of the show
- 20 invitations to the OFFICIAL GALA DINNER
- 1 table with 10 reserved seats at SEMICA TCHAD's VIP restaurant with meal included for the duration of the show
- 10 tickets for the General Public restaurant valid throughout the show
- Space reserved in your name in the BtoB zone throughout the show
Diamond Sponsor
- Preferential positioning at the event
- A meeting with the Minister of Mines after the opening ceremony
- Logo on invitation cards for key events (opening ceremony, gala dinner)
- SPONSOR" mention on communication media before, during and after the show (TV, radio, posters, press, internet)
- One (01) 9 m² exhibition stand with minimum equipment (lounge, two tables, 04 chairs)
- Logo on gadgets and promotional material
- Documents distributed throughout the event site and placed in participants' bags
- Logo on the event website
- Dedicated sponsor presentation page on the event website (100-word text) and/or in the SEMICA TCHAD special issue newspaper
- SEMICA TCHAD registration fee offered Mention of sponsorship in the final document ;
- Logo in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper with mention of sponsorship level
- Ten (10) registrations for the event, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- Five (05) exhibitor badges, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- One (01) two-minute television micro-program to be broadcast during the gala evening
- One (01) table for ten (10) people at the awards ceremony
- Logo on the show's visibility and branding materials (visitor map, programme, sponsors' wall, press kit, etc.)
- High-profile visibility and airtime on SEMICA TCHAD: 6 30-second spots broadcast per day during the show, 2 airtime slots on SEMICA TCHAD's TV set.
- One page of advertising and a one-page article in the show magazine
- Logo and link on the home page of the event website
- Company presentation brochure in participants' kits (brochure provided by you)
- 30 visitor badges giving access to all areas of the show
Gold Sponsor
- Privileged positioning at the event ⎺ Logo on invitation cards for key events (opening ceremony, gala dinner)
- SPONSOR" mention on communication media before, during and after the show (TV, radio, posters, press, internet)
- One (01) 9m² exhibition stand with a minimum of equipment
- Logo on promotional material ;
- Documents distributed and placed in participants' bags
- Logo on the website
- 1/2 page dedicated to the presentation of the sponsor in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper
- High-profile visibility and airtime on SEMICA TCHAD: 6 30-second spots broadcast per day during the show, 2 airtime slots on SEMICA TCHAD's TV set.
- Logo in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper with mention of sponsorship level
- Mention of sponsorship in the final document
- Ten (10) registrations for the event, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- Three (03) exhibitor badges, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- One (01) table for ten (10) people at the awards ceremony.
- Entitlement to 10 free SEMICA TCHAD registrations
- Logo on the show's visibility and branding materials (visitor map, programme, sponsor wall, press kit)
- Logo and link to the event website
- Company presentation brochure in participants' kits (brochure provided by you)
- 15 visitor badges giving access to all areas of the show
- 08 tickets for the general public restaurant and 04 tickets for the VIP restaurant valid for the duration of the show
- 15% discount on the purchase of additional m2 to expand your stand
Silver Sponsor
- Preferential positioning at the event
- One (01) 6m² exhibition stand with a minimum of equipment
- Logo on invitation cards for key events (opening ceremony, gala dinner)
- SPONSOR" mention on communication media before, during and after the show (TV, radio, posters, press, internet)
- Free SEMICA TCHAD registration fee Logo on promotional material ;
- Documents distributed and placed in participants' bags
- Logo on the website 1/4 page dedicated to presenting the sponsor in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper
- High-profile visibility and airtime on SEMICA TCHAD: 4 30-second spots broadcast per day during the show, 2 airtime slots on SEMICA TCHAD's TV set;
- Logo in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper with mention of sponsorship level
- Mention of sponsorship in the final document
- Eight (08) event registrations, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals Three (03) exhibitor badges, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- One (01) table for ten (10) people at the awards ceremony.
- Logo on the show's visibility and branding materials (visitor map, programme, sponsor wall, press kit)
- Logo and link on the home page of the event website
- Company presentation brochure in participants' kits (brochure provided by you)
- A ½ page advert and a one-page article in the exhibition magazine
- A ½ page advert and a one-page article in the exhibition magazine
- 06 tickets for the general public restaurant and 04 tickets for the VIP restaurant valid for the duration of the show
- 10% discount on the purchase of additional m2 to expand your stand
Bronze Sponsor
- Privileged positioning at the event
- One (01) 6m² exhibition stand with minimum equipment Logo on promotional material ;
- Documents distributed and placed in participants' bags
- Logo on the website 1/4 page dedicated to presenting the sponsor in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper
- Logo in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper with mention of sponsorship level
- High-profile visibility and airtime on SEMICA TCHAD: 4 30-second spots broadcast per day during the show, 2 airtime slots on SEMICA TCHAD's TV set.
- Mention of sponsorship in the final document
- Three (03) exhibitor badges, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals
- One (01) table for ten (10) people at the awards ceremony.
- Logo on promotional material
- Documents distributed and placed in participants' bags
- A logo on the website
- Logo in the Special SEMICA TCHAD newspaper with mention of sponsorship level
- Mention of sponsorship in the final document
- Five (05) registrations for the event, with access to all activities, cocktails and meals.